Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I hope it ends..

I got a text from Angeline, she asked me if I could come to uni to settle the problem with her. She already asked a friend of hers on how to solve the problem. I agreed to come so we met around 1 p.m. at E6A. At first we don't know where to ask, lucky there was a guy on the second floor of the building, he help us to go directly to E4A where the statistics department is. I don't know that E6A is faculty of engineering :P
So we went to E4A but again we don't know which floor to go...hehe I think I was so nervous to the level that I can't think what to do. We when floor by floor until the fifth floor where the statistics department is. Again we don't know where to go actually, we know the one that we need to consult is somewhere around the fifth floor. Again I feel so lucky, thank God, we stumble into Brian Jerskey our Stat 170 lecture :D
He helped us to find the 'right direction'. Hooray! We finally meet the person in charge, it's a she. She already took out our assignment from the box yesterday. I'm glad that Angeline is with me, she did all the talking :) She explained to her what's the problem.
Finally the person said the she need to meet with our group mate, K, and asked her to come and sign the assignment. I just agree to equally distributes the marks, I don't want to create any problem with international student...and i hate sibt..huhu

now i can sleep with no worries... :)


  1. not all sibt students are like that.. think so.. -.- be strong dik! =)

    *group ngan bdk local pun xbest gak.. huhu..

  2. tp most sibt student cmtu, kt kak inaz..
