Sunday, August 29, 2010

minggu yang membosankan tanpa kamu...

suasana di rumah sangat berbeza sejak kamu pergi. sebelum ni bile kamu ade di rumah saya takde la slalu berckp dgn kamu tp hanye kamu la teman bercerita, teman berkongsi masalah. sejak kamu takde, saye rase bosan. entahla, ini kah dikatakan rindu??

bile di rumah, saye agak malas nk mengemas tp kamu ade jadi rumah sentiase bersih. sekarang saye plak yg kene kemas, penatnye, tambahan dalam bulan puase ni, tak pe2, hilang bosan ckit

bile kamu nak balik?? saye tak rindu tapi bosan tanpa kamu.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

just as it is...

I lost sight when I was alone in the falling rain
if I'm not noticed, I might still be in the void

thanks for stretching out your hand
and said to me don't look back
what is passed let it be passed

I want to be at your side
I want you to let me be at your side
just as it is, If I could live on
I will surely take that hand, and I can fly wherever it is
as long as I'm with you, till faraway land just as it is

each truth are clashing and become chaos
if everyone is shedding the same tears
 if I stretch out this hand, we might understand each other

I always want to feel
the warmth which is carved in this hand is yours, something that I found with you
each of unchanged matters started to change differently
just as it is, I will receive all

someday, we won't be seeing each other, even if I let go this hand
I won't forget, because I'm not forgetting I can fly wherever it is

I am thinking of you
always, I am at your side
just as it is, if I can live on
now I want to be at your side
I want you to let be me at your side
just as it is, because I can live on

stop by for a tea party

Dear Alice,
I hope you can still remember me. How is your life now? I heard that you had continued your father's work, your father's ambition. You are really a brave girl. You fought like a real warrior and save Wonderland. Are you free this evening? I would like to invite you to my tea party as a gift from me. Everyone here misses you and hope you could visit us here someday. Lets have a chit chat shall we.

Your friend,
The Mad Hatter

Monday, August 23, 2010

What I'm thinking only you

The time now is 1.30a.m. As I write my mind can't stop thinking of someone....or maybe something....what is it actually.....I really don't understand it....I don't want to take this serious but sometime I can't let the thoughts of the the thing off....what is it??
A name always show up in my mind but I can't figured out who he was....Helix or something....the image was quite blur to me....don't forget the voice....I always wanted to see him before bed cause it help me to sleep....
I can't put my eyes of you.....hope you could be true....

my first entry ~_~

I'm not saying that i'm excited to have my second blog but I do. I'm not going to talk much for now. This blog will consist of combination Malay and English entry so enjoy it!!